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I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure. It is: Try to please everybody. David Oswald

1Rivet to Partner with I-CRITS to implement Republic of the Congo e-Government Service Platform

R ESTON, VAMarch 7, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — 1Rivet, a top-ranked, award-winning international IT technology solutions firm known for its unique ability to cost-effectively develop and apply emerging technologies to resolve global public- and private-sector business challenges, has been engaged by the Minister of Posts, Telecommunications, and Digital Economy of The Republic of the Congo to create an integrated e-Government services platform focused on revenue generation and digital economy transformation for the country.

1Rivet PublicWorks Platform (1RPP™) Capabilities

The 1Rivet PublicWorks Platform (1RPP™) will modernize revenue systems, offer e-Citizen services, provide cross-Ministry data sharing and communication, and move the country toward minimizing paper and cash from the revenue administration process

“It is an honor to participate in the implementation of an innovative and comprehensive IT platform the Republic of the Congo will leverage across government ministries,” said 1Rivet Founder and Managing Partner, Charlie Clavelli. “The vision of His Excellency, The Minister of Posts, Telecommunications, and Digital Economy, for the transformation of his country’s e-Government ecosystem is breathtaking..”
CHARLIE CLAVELLI, 1RIVET Founder and Managing Partner




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